Artist Market
Pop Up
Friday November 27th 11-7
Saturday November 28th 11-5
Sunday November 29th 11-5
Mitigation Plan
Masks will be required inside the building.
The groups of 4-5 shoppers will be allowed inside at any given time, customers will be required to book appointments to enter the building.
Groups will circulate through the showroom for 15 min then will be let into the atrium.
In the Atrium the traffic will flow in a “U” shape around the space, customers will be allowed 20 min in this space.
Groups will be let out of the atrium, via the bay door, after their allotted time.
Artists will be present in shifts to assist customers in atrium and to restock items.
Check out will occur outside of bay door with a Frame Shop employee.
Masks will be required indoors.
Any questions,
please contact Sarah at